hello, I am Rizwan Mughal.

Full Stack Php Developer
Laravel Expert

Hire Me
Rizwan Mughal

Hello, It's my story

Full Stack Php Developer

Software Engineer by profession, innovative, IT Entrepreneur, Founder and Owner of Shafi Technologies and RestauSolutions, a traveler and photographer by passion.

Specialties : Skilled in all state-of-the-art web design and application development technologies & standards such as HTML5, CSS3,Laravel, NodeJS, AngularJs, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, MySQL, PHP, WordPress, Mobile Responsive Web Designs & Development and Adobe Applications.

Web Designing - UI & UX 99%
Web Application Development 97%
PHP Laravel 98%
WordPress 90%
SEO - Serach Engine Optimization 95%
Socail Media Marketing 94%

Seleted Works

Look at some of the projects i have completed

Shafi Technologies


Laravel Travels

Flight Deals

Tours Mention

Fantastic Food

Japan Auto Zone

School Invocing System

Get in touch

I'm are here to help! Tell me what i can do for you

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